Since 2022, Ethos Heritage CIC has run exciting,unique heritage and archaeological projects and Field Schools that have brought individuals and communities together, especially, groups that have not experienced heritage activities.

We also work with schools, youth groups, NHS workers and military veterans in achieving this.

What We Have Striven To Do.


Why we do it.

It all begins with an idea that heritage activities could help individuals and communities address structural issues connected with education, self-esteem, community cohesion and isolation by running community led and focused projects uniting communities in a common purpose.

We believe local communities have been excluded from their local heritage with barriers been put in place connected with financial cost, education, social back ground and other issues. We are trying to address issues this strive to have heritage for all

How do we run it.

We are a community-based organisation that believe all our communities and team member must have an a say on how a project is run. We work on a bottom up approach where the participants set the focus of the project and how will it achieve its objectives and what do people want to get out of it.

We want communities and individuals as a team to decided how they want their heritage explored and what questions they want to ask

We also embed Archeological Field Schools within our projects.

Who its aimed at.

We can answer that in one word, EVERBODY!! We take people of all ages, disabilities, backgrounds and social background, We want to focus on individuals and groups who normally are not afforded the opportunity to engage with their archaeology and heritage.

We encourage families to attend with their children to get hands on with their local history and help them establish a sense of place. We want to see individuals with perceived disabilities to engage in our projects so communities can see that the can and do make a massive contribution to the local community.

Our Objectives.

  • To tackle social issues leading to increase well-being and positive mental health

  • To allow local communities access to their local heritage

  • To target communities, group and individuals who normally are not involved in heritage activities

  • To generate community cohesion and a sense of belonging

  • To create an interest and respect for heritage

  • Our participants have fun

What you can gain from taking part.

  • New Friends that will last you a lifetime

  • Increased physical fitness

  • Teamwork and social skills

  • Hard and soft skills that will aid employment, personal development and education

  • Learn about archaeology and your local heritage

  • Have loads of fun!!

  • Experience a unique form of camaraderie

  • Make new friends to last a lifetime


Military and Veterans focus

We work closely with a veterans heritage organization. called Services Archaeology and Heritage Association (SAHA). This group is still a keypartner in what we do. SAHA is made up of both serving and ex-service personal along with people of ages, gender and backgrounds who understand the difficulties that arise when you leave the service.

Our project with them helps recreate the camaraderie that you would have experienced during you service and is a great opportunity to reconnect with people from a similar background