Archeological Resources.


Archaeological Handbook.

This Archaeology Handbook reflects Ethos Heritage CIC ambition to ensure that historic environment of the sites we work on is preserved, protected, promoted and recorded. It takes account of the latest professional guidance.

It is also likely to be a useful resource for our participants to help them enjoy working on our projects

Rim Charts 180

A rim chart (or radius chart) is needed to measure both the vessel radius and the proportion of the rim represented by a sherd when collecting vessel equivalent statistics.


Collection Policy

Many archaeological projects generate objects that do not need 100% collection (i.e., brick, roof tile, plaster, fire cracked flint.) or do not fit into the research design (i.e., undiagnostic body sherds.

To address this and to help ensure a even standard within our project we have created a collection policy to ensure best archaeological practice.

Rim Charts 90 Left

A rim chart (or radius chart) is needed to measure both the vessel radius and the proportion of the rim represented by a sherd when collecting vessel equivalent statistics.


Survey Handbook

The correct survey of an archaeological site is a vital and important part of any investigation. Correct survey of a site forma a key part of the excavation report and archive.

This guide provides a simple and clear guide on the techniques used during excavation.

Its intended to assist our participants in learning the basics of simple survey.

Rim Charts Right

A rim chart (or radius chart) is needed to measure both the vessel radius and the proportion of the rim represented by a sherd when collecting vessel equivalent statistics.