One of the most important objectives for us, is to make sure you are safe, have a enjoyable time and achieve your potential while you are with us.

Our Handbook and Code of Conduct

Code Of Conduct For Participants.

We expect all participants including staff to behave to a certain standard to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all


Participating in the projects you will agree to abide by our code of conduct:

To respect others and take care not to hurt or frighten anyone.

To be polite to everyone you meet

To listen and try to understand other people’s opinions.

To behave, always, in a way that allows everyone to enjoy the activities.

To follow the requests of the project staff and designated staff from partner organisations

To abide by the Health & Safety requirements announced in daily briefings.

To respect the decision to ask you to leave the site immediately, should you bully anyone, take illegal drugs at any time, or arrive on site unable to work due to alcohol intake.

To abide by the rules concerning social media, again, detailed in our daily briefings.

Engage positively with all aspects of the projects.

In confidence with our trained medical staff, you agree to divulge any prescription drugs you are taking.  (This is to ensure your safety)